
Tuesday, 16 December 2014


We have had a great year! 

Room 17 wish the Year 6's in our class good luck for Intermediate. We will miss them- Paige, Emily, Grace, Erina, Liam and Kian.

We congratulate Krige, Taine, Valencia, Ashleigh and Brianna for being chosen to be House Captains next year.

We congratulate Georgia, Eunhye and Alyssa for being chosen to be Travelwise Leaders next year.

Sunday, 30 November 2014

MERC Year 5 Camp

Last Thursday and Friday our Year 5's went to camp at MERC.

Here are just a few of the fabulous things we did.

Abseiling and rock climbing

We saw dolphins and orca whales!


Body Boarding

Sandcastle competition

Dinghy games

Wednesday, 3 September 2014


 A sneak peak at our Under the Sea costumes

We are getting close to finishing!

Create My World



The Issue

  There are many myths and legends related to the sea in Maori and Pasifika culture that people don’t know. They are important as they tell about the past and the creatures in them are often powerful symbols important to a particular culture. We want to make people aware of the importance of these myths and in particular the characters from the sea.

    The Brief

To create a costume that represents a mythical creature of the sea
This sea creature will be the main character in the myth that you write.

Pieces should:
•Include two or more elements
•Must be worn for a long period of time
•Be taken on and off successfully without damage
•Have an element of fantasy and/or originality

Monday, 1 September 2014


Well done Taine who won the Year 5 speech final.

Speech Finals

Congratulations To Emily, Taine and Alyssa who were Room 17's speech winners. They went through to the school speech finals.

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Buddy Spelling

Every week we do Buddy Spelling with Room 16. We really enjoy it!

Thursday, 7 August 2014

We have been learning to write persuasively on a range of topics. Here are just a few that Room 17 have written.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Year 5's and 6's should be able to bring there own device to school by Micaela

In my opinion I think that the year 5's and 6's should be able to bring there own devices to school.

The most important reason is books don't always have the information you need where computers/Ipads and tablets  always have the information you need.

 Another point is it would also teach you responsibility because you would have to look after your own device and not have the teacher look after it for you.

Another point is it would save the school a lot of money because they won't have to pay for more computer, iPads and they could spend the money on something else.

I therefore think that the year 5's and 6's should be able to bring there own devices to school.

By Micaela.

Why we shouldn't have on ramp signals by Emily

Why we shouldn't have on ramp signals

 In my opinion we shouldn't have on ramp signals because its slowing people down. The most important reason is that the annoying on ramp signals are meant to stop traffic when it actually causes more and more traffic.

Another reason is if there been a accident it builds more traffic.Lets just say for instance you were stuck in an accident and the ambulance can't get to you because of the traffic. How would you get medical help?

Even sometimes when there is no one on the road  people just go straight through a red light and I mean why do they even put them there in the first place? Let's just say that you're a person who is always running late for work and your boss said the next time you're late you're fired! What can you do?

Therefore in my opinion this why we shouldn't have on ramp signals.

Sunday, 29 June 2014

Brianna's IMovie- All About Room 17

Brianna has learnt how to use IMovie and made this video for our assembly. She is now teaching others' how to use it.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

School Cross Country by Krige

On Wednesday 4 June we had a school cross country. First the year 3's went,they were so fast! Next the year 1's started off. That race was so quick. They only did one lap then the year 2's went and they did two laps. Next it was the 8 year olds and after was our turn.We zoomed off like a racing car.On our second lap we were so exhausted because we were sprinting to the finish line.

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Our Cross Country top 6

Congratulations to these Room 17 class members who placed in the top 6 runners in cross country

Cross Country By Valencia

On Wednesday the 4 of June everyone had to sit with their houses,Sheppard,Hillary,Batten and Rutherford.Finally cross country had begun!We started with the Batten cheer then the Hillary cheer,Sheppard cheer and the lucky last Rutherford cheer.Mr R proudly explained what we were doing to the parents.

We cheered on all the children when we saw them coming across the finish line.I waited a long time for the 9 year old race.The burning sun stretched across the court as the nine year old girls lined up to start the race. Mr Mahy explained the rules carefully so that we could understand.

"Take your marks,get set,GO!" yelled Mr Mahy. The 9 year old girls raced past the teachers as fast as lightning.When I finished the race I let out a sigh of relief before taking a drink.I watched as the other 9 year old girls passed the finish line.

"Finally cross country has finished!" I told my friend Isabella as we walked up the stairs.

Cross Country by Paige

Excitement was bubbling up inside me standing at the start line.  
" ready, set, go! Foot steps stomping on the ground  as I raced to the front, loud cheers screaming for me.

I was a sloth on my third lap. As tiring as it seemed I kept running. 
Slowing down suddenly I crossed the finish line puffing like a bull on a hot day .
I was glad that cross country was finished .

All that training was worth it.
Putting all the effort and hard work achieves great things

by Paige